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If you're like me, you're always looking for new ways to improve your programming skills. That's where Snippets of Code comes in - my collection of notes and insights as I explore the world of programming languages.

But this isn't just a dry technical manual - my goal is to create a kind of learning journal that captures the ups and downs of the learning process. Whether you're an experienced programmer or just starting, I hope you find something here that motivates and inspires you to keep pushing your limits.

As for me, I'm committed to making regular updates so that you can expect a new publication every week with all the latest insights and lessons from my journey through the world of programming languages. Let's learn and grow together!

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Snippets of Code
Greetings! Snippets of Code is where I keep track of my programming language studies and explorations. It's not about learning new techniques - my primary goal is to create a learning diary that chronicles my journey. So, whether you're a seasoned programmer or starting, I'm excited to have you here and hope you find something inspiring…
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A "programming language" learning journal


Conceptualizing books and the art of writing through snippets of text; scoping the content as a SubStack.